What our clients say
We are proud of all our installations and the results our clients have achieved.
Below you can find comments from some of them:
V-TAB is the largest printing company in Scandinavia, producing daily newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, brochures and commercial print. V-TAB has about 1.000 employees and an annual turnover of €200 million. V-TAB has production facilities at 14 locations in Sweden and has customers in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Customers have access to all of V-TABS offferings through one contact. TITTI RUDBÄCK, IT MANAGER, V-TAB ABEQ Plan offers us great possibilites to plan both centrally and locally, and see the production process / plan we have in all our locations down to a single printing press. With EQ Plan Viewer we have a simple and cost-efficient tool to distribute a graphic view to the whole organization. We get excellent overview, full control and simple production management. In addition EQ Plan is simple to use and introduce to employees who do not have any computer experience. |
HGF Group with its headquarters in Halmstad, Sweden has 200 employees and produce bolting & filter cloths for the mining industry, cable duct systems for windpower generators and telephone switches. HGF has factories in 3 locations; Halmstad - Sweden, Riga – Latvia and Police – Poland. The Riga factory is 100% dedicated to the production of rubber floor mats to customers like Volvo, Scania och Ford. The facillity in Poland primarily makes heat-exchange washers and rubber seals. Production at all 3 locations is being planned using EQ Plan. MICHAEL LIND, LOGISTICS MANAGER, HGF - AB Halmstads Gummi FabrikThe implementation EQ Plan has above all meant increased time savings, better overview and smoother rescheduling. The birds-eye view the software offers means that everybody involved in the planning process has full control over the resource rotation schedule. The smooth way that EQ Plan reschedules also means that we always operate with optimal rotation, and if there is a problem somewhere, rescheduling can be made anytime during the shifts – day or night. Also, the implementation of EQ Plan has had the result that more people know how to reschedule. Today we obtain 98-99% On-Time-Delivery, something we never could have reached without an efficient planning tool, which was implemented flawlessly. |
Frebaco Kvarn AB is a Swedish owned company with about 50 employees and sales of €30 million. The production facility is located in Lidköping, Sweden where we process and enrich cereals for variuos industries, as well as produce consumer products like muesli, oats and foodgrains. Frebaco Kvarns products can be found on the shelves in almost all groceries and supermarkets in Sweden. ANDREAS LUNDGREN, MANAGER Production Planning, Inventory, Logistics - Frebaco Kvarn ABWe have been using EQ Plan since 2007 and are very happy with the results we have achieved. Since the implementation of EQ Plan we have seen savings in time and increased planning effiencies of around 75%. We get good visual control and easily see every operation. We can visualize order schedules and reschedule and optimize production in the different product lines a lot better. The application is very easy to understand and works really well. |